Monday, May 27, 2013

Debate tournament story

Lamanya B x update blog.selalu kunjung cuma nak update tu x de mood.
Ambik ko feeling retis gitu.

Ok2 this time let me tel uolss something.hopefully terhibur lah :D
I've been involving in debate!!!
Ok x de la awesome sangat pun.
Biasa2 sahaja.i'm still new, dah la broken english tapi hentam keromo je la.

1st debate tournament that i've involved is LICDO(Labuan International Campus Debate Open). it was held at UMS kampus antarabangsa labuan n also Borneo Debating Championship at UMS KK.

B sebenarnya x berkeyakinan pun nak masuk. dah lama B tinggal dunia bahas,pidato and so whatever.
bahkan B pernah tau berazam yang dekat universiti B x nak aktif dah.
sebab dulu B aktif sangat dekat sekolah hingga B abaikan sikit study.
terus x balance.
tapi kali ni B melihatnya sesuatu yang sangat bernilai dan bermanfaat bagi B.....I think.........

1. Think that it will improve my self confidence
2. Think that I will make a lot of new friends
3. Think of dapat g jalan2 -_-

"once u get the opportunity grab it and dont miss it"
thats what i believe.
B percaya pada setiap peluang yang datang. dan B cuba buktikan yang kali ni B mampu seimbangkan apa yang patut diimbangkan alaaa lagipun practice is just only once a week and the tournament is not oftentimes.

Team ECHOES UiTM Sabah =)

my team.we were able to go to the semi but then lost to UPM's team

 ada yang debate kat ums kk B x update sbb B jadi adjudicator n gambar pun x sempat nak ambik.
 ok then thats all.
have a nice day.

salam sayang B

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